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20 Ergebnisse.

All about Diversity

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All about Diversity
This dynamic and joyous exploration of difference helps young children learn to respond in a kind and equal way to everyone, regardless of shape, size, age, physical and mental ability, gender, ethnicity, beliefs, language, culture, background, and so on. With topics ranging from clothes and food to homes, festivals and families, there is plenty for children to talk about as they find out about what makes people different and what makes them u...

CHF 23.90

All about Worries and Fears

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All about Worries and Fears
There can be a lot to worry about when you are little, from monsters under the bed to Monday's math test, but one person's scary spider is another's perfect pet, so how can we learn to stop everyday fears and worries from growing out of proportion or even overwhelming us? This book helps children understand why we have different fears and worries and the physical effects they can have on our bodies. It then offers all sorts of fun and helpful ...

CHF 23.50

All about Feelings

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All about Feelings
How are you feeling today? This fun, friendly and reassuring introduction to feelings is designed to help young children recognise, understand and name how they're feeling and learn to talk about and manage their emotions in helpful ways.

CHF 23.90

All about Friends

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All about Friends
Why do we need friends? How can we make friends? And what makes a good friend? This charmingly illustrated book explores the benefits of having friends, looking at different types of friendships, and what happens when friends fall out and make up. Includes helpful notes for grown-ups on talking to children about friendships, dealing with conflicts and imaginary friends.

CHF 23.90

All about Families

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All about Families
What do families look like? Who's in your family? And how can families change? With delightful illustrations, this glorious celebration of family diversity talks about lone-parent families, adoptive, foster, divorced, remarried, and multi-racial families, and lots, lots more, showing little children that families come in all shapes and sizes.

CHF 23.90

All about You and Your Body

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All about You and Your Body
A lively look at all the incredible things the human body can do, what it needs to stay healthy and how to look after it. The wide-ranging topics such as senses, germs, feelings, exercise, food, sleep and toothcare are all brought to life by Mar Ferrero's delightful illustrations. There's a celebration of different body shapes and sizes and information about why bodies look different including skin color, disability, hair type and age. The boo...

CHF 23.90

Sorgen und Ängste – So schaffe ich das!

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
Sorgen und Ängste – So schaffe ich das!
Jeder hat mal Sorgen oder Angst. Nur, wie können wir damit umgehen? Was passiert bei Angst im Körper und wie vertraut man sich jemandem an? Dieses Buch beantwortet diese und viele weitere Fragen und erklärt verständlich und kindgerecht, wie Kinder ihre Gefühle verstehen und mit ihnen umgehen können. Mit Hinweisen für Erwachsene.

CHF 18.50

All About Worries and Fears

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All About Worries and Fears
There can be a lot to worry about when you are little, from monsters under the bed to Monday's maths test, but one person's scary spider is another's perfect pet, so how can we learn to stop everyday fears and worries from growing out of proportion or even overwhelming us? This book helps children understand why we have different fears and worries and the physical effects they can have on our bodies. It then offers all sorts of fun and helpful...

CHF 18.50

Alle anders - Das sind wir!

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
Alle anders - Das sind wir!
Nicht alle Menschen sehen gleich aus und nicht alle sprechen dieselbe Sprache. Manche mögen Sachen, die du nicht magst, oder essen etwas, das du noch nie gesehen hast. Ist das richtig so? Ja, unbedingt! Dieses Buch zeigt dir, warum wir alle gut so sind, wie wir sind. Mit hilfreichen Anregungen, wie Erwachsene mit Kindern über den Themenkomplex Diversität, Inklusion, Integration und Diskriminierung sprechen können.

CHF 19.90

All About Diversity

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All About Diversity
This dynamic and joyous exploration of difference helps young children learn to respond in a kind and equal way to everyone, regardless of shape, size, age, physical and mental ability, gender, ethnicity, beliefs, language, culture, background, and so on. With topics ranging from clothes and food to homes, festivals and families, there is plenty for children to talk about as they find out about what makes people different and what makes them u...

CHF 18.50

Freunde - Das sind wir!

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
Freunde - Das sind wir!
Was ist Freundschaft? Wozu hat man Freunde? Und was macht man, wenn es einmal Streit gibt? Dieses Buch beantwortet wichtige Fragen über Freundschaft und vermittelt anschaulich einen verständnisvollen Umgang mit anderen. Mit Tipps für Eltern.

CHF 18.50

Gefühle - So geht es mir!

Brooks, Felicity / Allen, Frankie / Ferrero, Mar
Gefühle - So geht es mir!
Manchmal ist man sehr glücklich, manchmal geht es einem nicht so gut. Empfindet eigentlich jeder Mensch so? Und was sind überhaupt Gefühle? Dieses Buch vermittelt anschaulich ein Verständnis für die eigenen Emotionen und die von anderen. Es erklärt Körpersprache und fördert die Entwicklung von Selbstwertgefühl und Empathie. Mit Tipps für Eltern.

CHF 18.50

Familie - Das sind wir!

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
Familie - Das sind wir!
Was ist eine Familie? Was macht sie aus und wozu ist sie eigentlich gut? Dieses Buch zeigt die vielfältigen Formen, die eine Familie haben, kann und erklärt, dass jede Art von Familie ganz normal ist!

CHF 18.50

All About Feelings

Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
All About Feelings
How are you feeling today? This lively and engaging exploration of emotions helps young children learn to answer this important question. Topics covered include learning to describe feelings, how your feelings can change, and being kind to yourself. There are helpful notes for grown-ups at the back too and links to websites for more advice.

CHF 18.50

My First Book About Me

Brooks, Felicity / Brooks, Felicity / Ferrero, Mar
My First Book About Me
This brightly coloured information book is a fun and interactive way for children to learn about themselves and the world around them. Learn about human diversity (skin colour, hair colour, eyes, tastes etc), about different emotions a person can feel, about daily routines, about different types of families and loved ones and about their body.

CHF 11.90